International Baccalaureate for Primary Years Programme (PYP) - ISO

International Baccalaureate for Primary Years Programme (PYP)

International Baccalaureate for Primary Years Programme (PYP)

We hope you’ve read our article on the International Baccalaureate (IB). In this article, we have put down all the information you need to know about the IB Primary Years Programme.

What is the IB Primary Years Programme?

Primary years are important since this lays down the foundation for the future education of any child. The IB Primary Years Programme appreciates this and has been developed to shape up a curious mind. The curriculum contains a Primary Years Programme transdisciplinary framework which helps students learn at school and beyond. The framework has been developed on the basis of research and incorporates principles and practices to inculcate a habit of inquiry-based learning. This curriculum was introduced in 1997.

This programme prepares students for the IB Middle Years Programme, however, it is not a prerequisite for studying the same.

History of the Primary Years Programme

This programme was developed by a team of international school educators who wanted to create a curriculum by following the best practices followed in different countries. This team consisted of educators from Vienna, Lausanne, Copenhagen and Hamburg. This curriculum was developed to be followed by international schools to bring in an uniformity across the world. The curriculum was thus formed on the basis of funding received from different schools and Shell Oil’s international education division. the development of this programme took several years.

Who is it for?

IB Primary Years Programme is meant for children aged 3 to 12 years. It nurtures young minds to help them embark on a lifelong journey of learning.

What is in it for the students?

The Primary Years Programme is designed in such a way that all requirements of students are taken care of. The programme does not only include the academic aspect but helps in the social and emotional well-being of students as well. Students get an international overview and develop strong personal values. It trains students to be independent thinkers and encourages them to take responsibility especially with regards to their own learning. The curriculum includes global as well as local issues. This is done by including various transdisciplinary themes and linking one subject with the other. These transdisciplinary things include:

Who we are: Motivates a student to explore themselves

Where are we in place and time: Encourages students to learn more about here and now

How we express ourselves: Helps students understand beliefs and values and know why we do things in a certain way.

How the world works: Provides an overview of nature, world and its laws.

How we organize ourselves: Gives an understanding of human systems and communities.

Sharing the planet: An introduction to our rights and our responsibilities towards this world.

By offering this programme, students become a part of a global community. They get access to a resource centre which ensures that all students across the world get the same level of education. They also have access to online communities where best practices are shared which provides them with professional development opportunities.

As the International Baccalaureate Organisation, students following this curriculum aspire to be the following:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-minded
  • Caring
  • Risk Takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective

Why should you consider the Primary Years Programme for your child?

By providing your child with the advantage of studying this programme, you will help in his/her overall growth. Students who follow this programme perform better than others in the IB curriculum in middle and high school. Your child will be on par with any student across the globe. This has been proven through research.

The Primary Years Programme Curriculum

These elements help young minds to grow and succeed in future. This curriculum is challenging yet engaging. It is segmented in the following format:

The written curriculum – defining what students will learn.

The taught curriculum – defining what the students will teach

The assessed curriculum – defining the practices and principles of effective assessment for the topics learned.

The following curriculum is included in the Primary Years Programme:

  • Language
  • Social studies
  • Mathematics
  • Science and Technology
  • Arts
  • Personal, Social and Physical Education

Students learn a first and a second language during this programme. The IB provides guidelines on the basis of which assessment are carried out by teachers.

The IB Primary Years Programme is one of the most widely accepted primary education programmes across the world. It prepares students for a future in the IB Middle Years Programme and keeps them ahead in the competition.