Kharisma Bangsa School is passionate about creating a safe and healthy learning environment, which supports all students to reach their highest potential both academically and personally. The school continuously strive to make learning exciting and applicable to real-life experiences.
The institute has dedicated itself to providing high quality, college prep, global education standards and expectations- with a unique positive character-building program intended to construct the future leaders of the world. The set out vision of Kharisma Bangsa School is to support the student population to reach their full potential, to become life-long learners and to in turn, contribute to the global community at large.
The school also actively engage and support parents in making wise educational decisions for the children of both expatriates and locals, with a dual language focused syllabus. With dedicated teachers that provide the relevant, engaging content while building strong relationships with all students and families. The school also provides room and board for students who are not from Kota Tangerang Selatan.
Kharisma Bangsa School also emphasizes on Character Education as a discipline for the students, as they believe is the great foundation in building students’ competence in choosing their fields as well as in achieving high moral values. Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and Cambridge Assessment English have become the school’s chosen curriculum combined with their own characteristic education DNA taught by educators who are competent in their fields.
The school is equipped with modern infrastructure and dormitories, has a comfortable atmosphere suitable for learning all kinds of studies, such as Science, Art, Music and Sport. The school is transforming all the classes into an Apple Classroom with the support of Apple Education as a part of digital learning inside and outside the classroom. Apart from that, each classroom is equipped with Interactive Board to support more effective and interactive learning experience.
Jl. Terbang Layang no.21, Pondok Cabe Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten-Indonesia, 15418